Supreme Court
Holds That Racial Bias in Justice System Must Be Addressed
What do you think?
The gist of the decision is here
. . .racial bias is
"a familiar and recurring evil" so harmful to the administration of
justice that it cannot be ignored. "[B]latant racial prejudice is
antithetical to the functioning of the jury system and must be
confronted," Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote for the Court. Accordingly,
"where a juror makes a clear statement that indicates he or she relied on
racial stereotypes or animus to convict a criminal defendant, the Sixth
Amendment requires that the no-impeachment rule give way in order to permit the
trial court to consider the evidence of the juror’s statement and any resulting
denial of the jury trial guarantee."
bias implicates unique historical, constitutional, and institutional
concerns," the Court reasoned. "It is the mark of a maturing legal
system that it seeks to understand and to implement the lessons of
history." Given our nation's history of racial injustice, it remains
critical to address racial bias in order "to ensure that our legal
system remains capable of coming ever closer to the promise of equal treatment
under the law that is so central to a functioning democracy."
a fuller report go to
To learn more about racial justice bias in the justice system I will attend a panel of ex prisoners called EXPOS - ex-prisoners organizing) speaking at Edgewood College, April 6, at 6:00pm to 7:30pm in Anderson Auditorium in Predolin Hall, main entrance.
ReplyDeleteEdgewood College has been reading The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander. This is the final event in that series. All are welcome, especially those who have not read this book!